Driving Simulator (DS)

Zen DS is a versatile indoor, classroom driver training simulator. The simulator of Light, Medium and Heavy vehicles come with the option of either Left or Right Hand drive. The basic system is supplied with a single Instructor Station and a Driver Station but it has facility to control up to 10 Driver Stations of various combinations of vehicles individually or simultaneously.

Zen car driving simulator is ideal for institutes imparting basic training for aspirant, drivers. The car simulator, which is a light vehicle driver simulator, is designed exclusively for driving schools. The car driving simulator is portable and institutes employing simulators can impart training effectively and cut trainees’ hours of actual training on road.

Zen Driving Simulator Key Features:

  • Provides basic training as well as enhances driving skills on Light, Medium and Heavy vehicles
  • Has real dashboard assembly and controls, instrumentation and transmission
  • Offers realistic operating environment and ergonomics
  • Includes intelligent Traffic Models in driving scenes
  • Provides a variety of terrains and driving conditions
  • Allows creation of environmental conditions like rain, fog, snowfall and intensity of light
  • Modular training setup increases levels of difficulty for trainees
  • Training can be conducted at different stations with different exercises simultaneously
  • Training pace can be set to suit trainees
  • Record/playback facility can be used to detect errors of each trainee
  • System is capable of giving out progress reports of each trainee

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