TacSim® Indoor Tracking System

Zen TacSim® with ITS is designed to meet the training needs of forces tasked to combat enemy/terrorists operating from built-up area/buildings, by physical intervention.

The system is akin to the Zen outdoor Tactical Engagement Simulator (TacSim®) with additional features that enable its functioning indoors, where GPS does not work. A two-sided tactical engagement can be conducted realistically in accordance with operational battle drills.

All movements and actions taking place inside a room/building are captured and transmitted in near-real time to the Exercise Control Centre (Excon) either as 3D/2D images and/or as live video footage. The system provides a realistic tactical training environment, monitors and records all events for on-the-spot critique or After Action Review (AAR).

Key Features:

  • Integrates with Zen TacSim® with special indoor equipment
  • Contains cameras, sensors and transmitters, mounted suitably on the walls and ceiling, for interruption-free coverage of all activities inside a room/building and transmission of captured data to Excon in near-real time
  • Provides 30 cms positional accuracy of movement inside the room
  • Displays and records all events, visual and audio, such as presence of personnel, movement, fire-fight and resultant injuries/kills, participant's status, effects of grenades, weapon and ammunition details
  • Allows configuration of more than one room for simultaneous operation
  • Simulates effects on personnel behind wall/inside structure of simulated firing of weapons/ammunition
  • Includes a two-way communication between participants and exercise controller
  • Allows configuration of CCTV existing at locations selected for practice eg hotels, airports etc
  • Offers replays of recorded exercises and performance reports of participants for After Action Review and instructional purpose

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