TacSim® - Tactical Engagement Simulator

Zen TacSim® trains soldiers to utilize the skills acquired during training in field craft, battle drills and live-fire practice while carrying out operational exercises.

The simulator assimilates lasers fired from different weapon systems and effectively records the result of the engagement. This combat simulator is designed for transparency and takes soldiers as close to the experience of actual combat. It enables the use of personal weapons, Battalion-support weapons, and all major combat firing weapon systems in actual/simulated form. As an optional feature, it simulates Artillery fire and minefield in designated regions.

TacSim® uses harness sets for man and machine and the system is integrated with GPS, control unit and the communication module. The alarm unit is activated on being hit and the sound of alarm varies depending on the severity of injury/damage. It deactivates the harness set in the event of a kill and records the damage. It enables resetting. The initiative is with Commanders.

The Exercise Control Centre records, collates and analyzes the information. Tactical Engagement Simulator is fully integrated with all the elements and controls the tactical battles at Battalion/Regiment/Brigade level. It enables briefing debriefing, planning of operation, analysis of terrain, force employed or assessed, collation of data, recording of events and assessment of performance.

Zen TacSim® is ideal for Commando Units, Special Operation Groups, Special Task Forces, Special Forces, Training Centres, Armed Battalions of Police and all Law Enforcement Agencies. It enables training in near-real scenarios and training of large troops in a cohesive manner in complete confidentiality.

Key Features

  • Laser-based, real-time, force-on-force training system
  • Collective training in different tactical situations
  • Enables training in active, insurgency-prone and field areas within the confines of Security Forces
  • Covers a variety of training possibilities, such as patrolling, ambush, roadblockssearch and destroy missions; defence, house clearance; operations in urban terrain, fighting in the built-up area, convoy protection and training of special forces
  • Allows training in terrains of choice
  • Records kill, grievous injuries, near misses, bullets fired, bullets remaining
  • Activates alarm unit on being hit and inhibits soldier, weapon and equipment, and vehicles in the event of a kill
  • Lets Commander control the exercise through Umpire Control Gun
  • Rugged, laptop-based Exercise Control
  • Allows Commanders conduct briefings, plan operations and analyse terrains
  • Covers effectively 2km diameter and up to 5 km dia if line of sight is clear and can be extended to cover an area of 40x40 kms
  • Up to 5000 entities can participate in the exercises
  • Uses Class 1 eye-safe laser and can be fired at point blank range

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