Mr. Kishore Dutt Atluri, President, Zen Technologies was bestowed the 2022 IETE Award for Outstanding Contribution in Avionics & Defence Electronics, which results in the strategic & commercial advantage towards meeting the national objective of Make In India.
He received the 7th Shri. Devi Singh Tyagi Memorial Award from Dr. RC Tyagi, at the 65th Annual IETE Convention organized by IETE Hyderabad chapter.
About the award:
Instituted by Dr RK Tyagi, former chairman of HAL in memory of his late father Shri Devi Singh Tyagi in 2016, each year the IETE recognizes the contributions of an eligible technocrat/ scientist/ engineer or academician for their outstanding contributions in the field of Avionics/ Defence/ Electronics resulting in strategic and commercial advantage towards the national objective of “Make in India.”
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